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Chinese translation for "trailer park"

[camp, court] 拖车式活动房屋集中地。

Related Translations:
trailer:  n.拖曳者;拉车牲口;追踪者,追猎者;拖车;拖挂的车辆;蔓草;【电影】预告片;〔美口〕〔pl.〕 跟着马戏班(等)跑的闲人们;〔美国〕拖车式活动房屋;(图书编目的)篇身片,片尾。
trailer pump:  装在拖车上的消防泵。
tent trailer:  帐篷拖车。
trailer bus:  带拖车的公共汽车。
truck trailer:  货运拖挂车。
trailer net:  拖纲。
trailer card:  (图书编目的)缩微卡片篇身片。
parking:  condo(供出租或购买的)个人泊车位。n.〔美国〕停车。
park:  n.帕克〔姓氏〕。n.1.公园,…场。2.圃囿;【英法】(国王特许的)猎园。3.〔美国〕街头广场;〔美国〕运动场。4.停车场;【军事】(露营中放大炮、辎重等的)放置场。5.(放置场上所放置的)全部东西;炮兵辎重;材料厂。6.养蚝所。7.〔美国〕(科罗拉多,怀俄明等州的)平原。8.〔苏格兰语〕牧地,耕地。短语和例子a national park 国立公园。 a base-ba
Example Sentences:
1.Looks can be deceiving ? we ' re in a trailer park
2.Why would she be living in a trailer park
3.Julie , you live in a trailer park
Julie ,你也住在拖车里啊
4.We live in a trailer park
5.I live in a trailer park
6.Top debs trailer park girls
7.Container trailer park
8.Melissa lived in a trailer park , miles from my campus , in one of a dozen turquoise units wedged between a bowling alley and the turnpike
9.Police believe a six - year - old boy from brunswick , georgia was abducted from a trailer park where he lives . the boy hasn ' t been seen since last thursday
10.Satellite master antenna television ( smatv ) - a satellite dish system used to deliver signals to multiple dwelling units ( e . g . apartment buildings and trailer parks )
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